SUDDENLY, a reed whispers between tall trees—

Neither towering to be seen,

Nor bowed enough to be dismissed.

Skin of black tupelo , cracked

By the whims of winter’s frost;

Once supple, now sanded by stares,

Whispers lodged in polite silence.

I found solace in the shadows,

The solitude of half-lit rooms

Where the self folds inwards,

Cocooned in the chrysalis of thought.

Unspoken rage distills itself

Into the quiet strength of silence.



Roots grasp for distant suns—

A web of selves intertwining,

Gasping for breath among echoes.

I found my reflection

In pages inked with alien lives,

Each line an altar of despair,

Each verse a ladder to grace.

From the pulp of isolation,

I raised a cathedral of resilience:

Voice and soul,

Like twin pilgrims in the wilderness.


I SOUGHT companionship as pilgrims seek shrines,

Wandering through orchards of faces,

Finding none to match my hunger.

Until solitude whispered—

“Befriend thyself, and others shall follow.”

So I stitched my shadow’s jagged edges,

Draped myself in authentic form,

Stepped into the light of others’ gaze.

The world met me where I stood,

Gifts exchanged fortifying a life.


MY LOVE, a steadfast river,

Currents carrying us through tempests and calm.

I marvel at its constancy—

One truth amid shifting sands.

Yet I mourn for those adrift,

Charting oceans without maps,

Desires tossed against cruel winds.



I wove threads of spirit and flesh.

Ritual offered me hymns,

But silence taught me being—

The space where all songs are born.

I lament the world’s hunger

For data and proof,

Its blind eye to the soul’s mysteries.

For who am I but the lone witness

To this temple of paradox?

I am here, breathing the unknown.


THE SOCIAL codes teach me hope,

Fragile faith that fractures mend.

Naïve, perhaps—

Yet I wrestle with ideas

Until they yield,

Until dreams of coexistence

Become mortar that endures.


FAMILY: the cornerstone,

Hearth where storms find rest.

Mother, the fortress;

Father, the equilibrium.

Alone yet not lonely,

Learning that love’s abundance

Needs not multiplicity.


IN THE GARDEN of learning,

Seeds of dreams pierced the soil.

Each friend a branch,

Each mentor the sun.

Here I have grown,

Learned to bend without breaking.


IN THE MIRROR of youth,

Lines of tomorrow etch themselves.

Responsibility calls—

Distant drums leading onward.

I march equipped with lessons of solitude,

The weight of love,

The fire of an unbroken soul.

For in the limits of becoming,

I am whole.

By Vincent Ogoti

Dr. Vincent R. Ogoti is an Assistant Professor of English and Global Black Studies at Clemson University.

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